This picture is of Osei May and myself (Lance Ford) at the 2006 National New Church Conference. This really was a historic event. There were about 1000 leaders and church planters there. It was very collegial and was just a really good time. If anyone has any questions, ask away and I will try to pipe in on it. I will ask Osei and Bob Roberts to do the same.
Wow, the conference and the synergies were encouraging. I was glad to see many young adults similar to myself, pursuing the passion and path to church planting without having all the answers.
Honestly you know what was humbling? Representing glocalnet. As I explained most of what God is doing through glocalnet and how we are designed to resource and train, I was internally blown away by what God invited into. There I was behind the table realizing that a year had passed and I am more prepared, more trained, and very blessed to be released to plant ethne.
Posted by: osei | May 26, 2006 at 08:30 AM