Acts 29 Intern, Matt Grube, shares his experience at the recent gathering
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This conference has helped me realize that the Kingdom of God is the all-encompassing church at home and abroad. I can plant a church that is a Christ-centered church announcing the mission of Jesus on both a local and Global scale, hence the term ‘glocal.’
The GlocalNet conference was an amazing experience, and a necessity for church planters. The content provided during the conference will save many church planters from making huge mistakes in their early years of planting. The ability to network and form relationships that will be useful for the future is an amazing benefit of the conference. Overall, it was amazing for a young guy like myself to be surrounded by so many determined people who refuse to "take the easy way out" when it comes to church. Something I've learned is that Church Planting is NOT easy. It's different from simply pastoring a church. The people I met at the conference want to see the world changed, not just grow a big church. It was motivational and encouraging to learn from those who are effectively and intentionally "doing church" in such a way that those being reached have no choice but to be transformed. Hope to see you all next year at the conference.
Posted by: Aaron Snow | May 25, 2006 at 10:58 AM
The focus of all of us at the conference was how to see the world transformed. There was little if any talk about 'mega churches". I found the opportunity to network and form friendships that will last a lifetime to be a God given blessing from the conference. We were incubated by determined people who have taken the hard road before us and refuse to "take the easy way out". I enjoyed hearing that Church Planting is NOT easy. It's different from simply pastoring a church.
But, I most enjoyed the way that a proper focus upon the King should transform me and the manner in which I lead the church that the Father allows me to pastor.
Posted by: Wayne | May 25, 2006 at 05:02 PM
The best thing about the conference was having lunch with a variety of people. It was good to hear about how God is working in different contexts.
One day I had lunch with a linguist and another day with a lady ministering to prostitutes in Thailand. Great place to connect to people and the world.
Posted by: Gabe | May 25, 2006 at 07:23 PM
I thought the conference was great again this year. The thing I am really letting sink in is that it is NOT about STYLE or MODEL-- it's about substance... the simple substance we see portrayed in that little triangle and circle! I'm also learning that there's so much less to be afraid of than I thought-- most of us live paralyzed through fear of moving outside our comfort zones. To hell with comfort zones... seek God, have a clean heart, expect to hear from Him, and then step into uncharted territory. Once we step out of that old idea that it's about merely "believing the right things", we realize that the world is waiting for so much... and the Kingdom has been given to us. I'm so grateful for Bob, Lance, Ross, Glenn, etc... they have all influenced my life and I'm not going to keep it too myself.
Posted by: Fran Leeman | June 01, 2006 at 08:30 PM