Hey Conference Attendees! Please give your early impressions from the Transformation conference. What did you leave with? What did you learn? Who did you meet? Let's begin the conversation...right here...right now. Thanks guys and gals, Lance
Doris Kearns Goodwin: Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Arthur F. Glasser: Announcing the Kingdom: The Story of God's Mission in the Bible
Jeswald W. Salacuse: Leading Leaders: How to Manage Smart, Talented, Rich, And Powerful People
Alan Hirsch: The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church
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Letter from a Senator of Belize, Central America
NorthWood Church
Firstly, let me thank you for doing all you did to make our trip to Northwood Church, keller feel at ease and welcomed from the outset.
I truly did not know what to expect and I shared with my traveling companions that I really had no desire to attend a ‘church’ conference. But God works in mysterious ways indeed as I felt a personal experience of God’s presence in the songs of worship and powerful testimonies of the presenters. More importantly, I felt a genuine outpouring of concern and encouragement as we mingled among new acquaintances.
Bob Roberts Jr. is as big as it gets for a simple message to be echoed so convincingly…’who are we to dictate the terms and conditions of our service to God’s Kingdom? The conference setting of prayer, worship and testimony brought out a weakness in my faith. I sought to thread on familiar terrain of past accomplishments and to seek comfort zones only to have been broken down by a spiritual conviction that perhaps indeed the Holy Spirit of God is trying to speak to me.
The Conference at Northwood exposed me to tremendous faith…something I truly wish I had more of. The conference also convinced me that that journey perhaps begins with discipline. I have since decided to control my desire for wine or alcohol. I wish to be sober at all times now to be ready to be prompted by the Holy Spirit to take that leap of faith and be pressed into working for the honor and glory of God’s kingdom.
These are small but giant steps for me to deal with my procrastination…Is it really you Lord? Can my tears wash away my fears?
I truly wish to thank Northwood Church for an experience that has changed my life; hopefully and prayerfully forever. Thank you Bob for reaching out and touching my inner being with your challenge to trust in Jesus. I now rather err on the part doing what in fact might be God’s will and not contemplate my own.
Please, let’s remember each other in prayer,
Posted by: Omar Reyes | May 31, 2006 at 07:02 AM
My first take was a very positive one. I sensed a higher degree of community this year - groups praying in the parking lot prior to the conference. Clusters of attendees sat at different tables during breaks processing all the info they were getting. We had a diverse group of people, I can't help but think of the Belizean contingent and the brokenness I saw in them. Transformation was happening in small pockets of people throughout the conference and it was incredible to witness the subtle "movement" that was taking place.
Posted by: smallworld | May 31, 2006 at 07:04 AM
Letter from a Belizean Businessman
Marcel Bedran/ Founder and Owner of Realhomes Realty Company
NORTHWOOD CHURCH { GLOCAL } We sometimes get caught up in our own little spaces ( church ) and even though our eyes are OPEN and our ears are LISTENING we feel that our focus is in the right place with GOD ( and we probably are ). However, this conference has shown me that GOD works is ever changing ( daily ). HIS words shared by others from a different prospective or a different area of the world, comes across like a " FRESH BREEZE". I always look for something, A SIGN< A FEELING< A WORD< and most profoundly was the word RELATIONSHIPS...... This was my experience, without relationships you cannot do the work of God, your energies would be channeled into a circular motion, with no end. Technology has undoubtedly created a smaller "EARTH", so now countries are no longer separated by borders, especially for the word of God, while some countries are pushing GOD OUT, others are BRINGING HIM IN. ( The Great Commission) We must pay attention to those who are capable of INFLUENCE... Soooo, when I thought my little BELIZE was hidden or tucked away is a corner, well, I was mistaken, we are part of Glocal, and because of the exposure to this type of teaching, we can now see that GOD speaks to us ( ALL NATIONS) with ( ONE WORD) and that’s what I have learned at NorthWood Church, Dallas, USA this May of 2006. I would like to take this opurtunity to encourage Pastor Bob Roberts Jr. and his entire staff to continue relentlessly this vision , as it will impact all those who are subjected to it..... there is a NEW SPARK, which I believe if applied with obedience will lead to NEW WORKS in the Kingdom of GOD... to everyone= BE BLESSED , your new brother in CHRIST.
Marcel Bedran JP...
Posted by: Omar Reyes | May 31, 2006 at 08:25 AM