Download cho_and_rick_warren.doc
This is a really fascinating interview that Rick Warren did with Dr. Cho. It covers a lot of territory. It would be great to hear your comments on his pursuit of cyberchurch. To say the least, Cho is not stuck in time.
Dr. Cho made a profound statement when he was asked by pastors how he motivates people to come to pre-dawn prayer time. He answered "First you have to motivate yourself." The key to leadership is being able to successfully discipline and lead yourself. In an survey on pastor's personal daily quiet time, one Christian organization reported that the average pastor spends only 5 minutes on the average in some type of personal quiet time.
In the book Deep Change, the author Robert Quinn states: “When we see the need for
deep change, we usually see
it as something that needs to
take place in someone else.
[Then]...we learn the paradoxical lesson that we can
change the world only by
changing ourselves.” If we are ever going to experience a church planting movement in North America, I believe that the pastors/leaders of the church must first motivate themselves to pray for a movement and that will take more than 5 minutes on a daily basis.
Thank you for sharing the interview of Dr. Cho by Rick Warren and for a great blog site. This is one of the most resourceful blogs for church leaders.
Posted by: Margaret W. Slusher | July 10, 2006 at 12:21 AM