I’ve heard the term "simple church" bantered around in different context meaning different things the past few years. I like it. All the discussion on church is about how to keep the church alive and effective today and insure a place for it tomorrow. How much of that is up to us and how much of that is up to God?
Is the answer of the church and the future of the church found in the church, or outside the church? What if the answer was not the bride but the bridegroom--Christ? Can we truly "deal" with the bride without knowing, understanding, or even getting in trouble with the bridegroom--if it’s His bride? In Texas we have a saying, "Don’t mess with Texas." And, it’s true. Ever been to the Alamo? I have an ancestor whose bones were burned in a pit with some 189 others. I think today Jesus might say, "Don’t mess with my bride until you’ve first dealt with me!"
The challenge to the relevance of the church we are dealing with is generally not our theology, history, or even Biblical understanding of Jesus as much as it is our cultural and personal way of relating to Him. How do we bring others into a dynamic relationship with Him.
What if, instead of making the church simple, we made our understanding and walk with Jesus simple? What would that look like? I’m traveling and will try to respond, but I’m just curious.
Hi, I'm just finding out about your blog. I just read your "simple" notes.
I thought of the line, "Get your hands off my wife!". A line from the recent movie, "One night with the King" :-)
Posted by: diana | January 24, 2007 at 09:38 AM