I have had quite a day. It's late but I start early in the morning and saw a computer open so jumped on it. I need to process a lot of my thoughts but for now, here are the highlights. First - I spent time with a Muslim comedian - the first I've ever met - and he's a blast. He has a beard like a Talliban but a sense of humor like Eddie Murphy - wish they'd turn him loose a few times today. Really like Joel Hunter of Northland Church in Orlando - we've hung out a lot, he's really wanting to see evangelicals engage Muslims and others. Sat by Bernard Kalb? - who used to report with Walter Concrite, then ABC - really warm man. My highlight was getting to meet Abdullah Abdullah - the commander of the northern alliance troops that went into Afghanistan. I told him, "Abudullah Abdullah - meet Robert Robert!" He laughed - I told him how I'd prayed for him and the impact Afghanistan has had on my life and faith. We're going to try to spend some time together tomorrow. Met several people from Algeria - professors, diplomats - they are really cool people.
Today listenned to people who research Arab attitudes towards America and visa versa - not anything you wouldn't expect. We're all very suspicious of one another. Neither had that positive of views towards the other. However, to me the real sad thing was when asked for solutions neither side has a clue of what to do. If ever there was a time for a "Middle Eastern" Ghandi that time is now. Someone who could bring all sides together and speak truth.
Tonight at supper I sat with a group of people passionate about Palestinians - incredible discussions. There's a lot of anger over this and I felt it in the room at several times. The Sheik of Qatar is a class act - in a session on the Arab - Isreali conflict - unlike the others, he began by talking about "their" failures and mistakes and different things that could be done. At times, you felt it was all one sided. It's midnight and I have to be up at 6a.m. - I'm defintely going to reflect on all this - just too much too fast.