This may be the best-traveled trip I've ever had. As I got on the plane from Dallas to London, I arranged all my reading, Maya Angelou - Celebration, Deepak Chopra - Peace is the Way, David Garrison - Church Planting Movements, David Naugle - Worldview, my Bible and my journal - I thoroughly confused the Texan sitting next to me - it was funny. From London to Doha I sat by Ron Sider - who's book that came out in '77 - Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger - has impacted me and many others - really cool guy, had fun talking with him. I am so amazed at all the Asian believers from the Pacific I met all throughout my travel - all the way here. Grace and Clara - my nieces - if you're reading this I believe some of the greatest Christians in the world are Filipino - they may be God's greatest ambassadors. I met them everywhere - in service industry primarily - but living and sharing God's love everywhere. You know your Texas history and ancestory - make sure your Dad teaches you Filipino history as well. Had fun with a guy who has the "look" of a radical Islamist - not at all though - he's a comedian from Chicago and a hoot at that. I like him a lot - we're going to have fun. Met one activist from the U.S. who is Sudanese, then met a Sudanese offical here - obviously different viewpoints of the situation in Darfur. We start in a couple of hours. Slept from 10pm to 7 am this morning. Great prayer, journaling, reading, and getting ready for all this. Great run and workout along the ocean. Pray for me - I know much of what I'm going to say but haven't written it all on purpose, wanted to listen and get the feel of this place. I'll write more later - but for now Father, give me ears to hear not just words but emotion and attitude. Give me wisdom to look beyond the surface, discernment to know what to say and how to respond. Give me insight to know what to do. May there be much salt and much light from all of this.