We are here and doing well. We stayed awake after the first day and the second we painted the ABCD clinic we helped fund and start - a clinic for children. Dr. Ha the director then took all the young interns out to eat lunch. I think she was as intrigued by them as they were of her. Johnnie Morgan, my assistant, and her husband Bobby, have been on this trip and having a blast - though Johnnie isn't used to the food. I wish Chandler, Paul, and Ritchie could be here - BUT, this is your world, but to see the eyes of the interns openning for the first time to something bigger than the West is as always - fun.
David Rush had fun visiting with the "Dali Lama" of Taipei, he was on our flight from Seattle to Taipe - he had prayer beads made from the skulls of dozens of previous generations of "lama's". David can speak some Chinese - it was really cool.
Pray for me NorthWood writing hard. If Zondervan is reading this - don't worry - just 200 more pages and I'm finished!
NorthWood, you'd be so proud of the new Glocal Ventures staff here. Sherman is just incredible and his assistant "Dun" has been given the matra from Andy Wallace, "Get it Done." When I met him the first time, he tole me he would "Get it done!" They're winners. We may have found some offices and a guest house not far from the Birla Orphanage where we work.
I'll try to post more later - just kind of busy for a while.
Bob, busy? Nah!
Great work bro.
Posted by: alan hirsch | September 07, 2007 at 02:16 AM